(our ringbearer, also the youngest kiddo I know)photo by Courtney Aliah 
As previously mentioned, I am rocking orange and black hardcore, just lovin' that Halloween vibe. As also mentioned, I have a funny story for you, well I thought it was funny. It all began with an orange and black outfit.....
My sweet resume is still floating around town and I received a call from a Montessori preschool for an interview as a substitute teacher. My inner monologue went something like this, "hmmm, preschoolers. I could handle that."
So I got dressed and headed out the door. Yelling back to the Hubs that I'd like to take pictures upon my return. My outfit screamed sweet, fun-loving, adorable preschool teacher -without having any embroidered pumpkins. I was pretty jazzed.
I arrived to my interview and the very friendly girl told me it was more of a "working interview." They would like to see how I interact with the kids.
"Ok, I've got this. Let's do this thing." I thought to myself. Always one for a pep talk.
She directed me to the playground.
This is when things began to spiral downhill fast. I'm not exactly sure what I was expecting, but I went from cool, calm, and collected to omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg.
See, there were maybe fifteen little kids running around said playground. Little little little kids! Obviously, it wasn't just me watching them, but still I was freaking out. Freaking out, panicking, sweating profusely.
They were climbing all over things and playing with sticks and rubber bands and all sorts of dangerous stuff. At least, I thought it was dangerous, I mean right?
No. Wrong. I was overreacting. Apparently this is how children learn. Trial and error. They fall, they poke themselves, they hit each other, and they learn. That's how it goes. I guess I haven't had as much experience with little kids as I thought -or maybe I've become a nervous Nelly in my old age. Whatever the case I sure was glad that no one choked or needed to be rushed to the emergency room.
The other weird thing I learned about little little kids is how different they are from adults -or maybe not.
1. There were some definite jerks, straight up. There were some little kids that are just going to suck their entire lives.
2. They're definitely not as innocent as I thought or hoped. Biting, hitting, kicking -what is this professional cage fighting?! Stop that!!
3. Their emotions are fleeting. Not unlike many of my friends, these kiddos are hot one minute and cold the next. About every fifteen minutes I was princess popularity on the playground -literally swarms of kids were fascinated by me! Who would have thought, right? But then just as fast as I was hot, I was cold and the crowd dispersed. Which is a real ego check, btw.
All in all, it was quite the experience. I never did take the outfit pictures because I was literally covered in dirt. The last time I was that filthy I was scrapping the popcorn off our ceilings. Furthermore, as I surveyed the situation -specifically the small but very runny noses- I knew immediately that a cold was emanate. Sure enough, guess who's nose is running today??
So, no outfit, but I've got a few fun links that should get your weekend going....
if wes anderson did a wakeboard video, it would go something like
seated bridal party, this couple seems super cool
girly? go ahead, indulge.
the Hubs made walnut
pate, it was delicious and easy, try it!
Olivia, I love you/I hate you.
our friend shot a hole-in-one this week, isn't that amazing? no link, just sharing..
What is wrong with this
girl? Cheer up would you?
all for now,