Ugh, turns out I'm getting old.
Let me elaborate: the hubs and I went to a 'slip and slide' birthday party for our sweet friend Liza. They smoked a pig; there was lots of beer; good music; and of course: the slip and slide. When I say 'slip and slide' I don't mean the one your mom bought from Target ten years ago. This was far from the glamorized garbage bag you might be envisioning. This thing was and inflatable bouncy castle with a slide and sprinklers -fifty feet long and fifteen feet high. It was one of the funnest things I've ever done.
So you're asking, "what's the problem Moll?"
Oh, I'll tell you the problem.
The beautiful people. Every single person at this party was tan and beautiful and physically fit with perfect hair and perfect teeth. I'm not kidding or exaggerating -which I've been known to do. All of the men were super buff and all the ladies were super hot.
So, we're at this party and everyone is beautiful and in their skimpy bikinis
lubing each other up, jumping up and down, and sliding down a slip and slide.
It felt like a joke. Honestly, I thought I was on the set for a
Girls Gone Wild video. It was like attack of the beautiful people. To say I felt awkward is the understatement of the century. I've never felt so pale and gawky and dorky and pudgy. In retrospect, it was hilarious -but it did make me feel old and nerdy.
Needless to say, I waited until it got dark to take my turn on the slide. It was still
so much fun!
Sunday, we emerged from our slip and slide coma and headed to the suburban wasteland known as Costco. Heaven, to some people. Jed, I'm talking to you.

do you love my flowers? Costco has
the best flowers!

The guy checking receipts invented awkward. I'm not really a fan of rambunctious retail workers. Have you ever been inside
Coldstone Creamery? The love to aggressively say hello and goodbye and sometimes they sing. It makes me really uncomfortable. Just like the Costco guy.

shorts -Jcrew, multi colored scarf -Jcrew, gingham shirt -borrowed from him, watch -target, bag -banana republic, flats -target