hey hey, K Lou is in the house.
woop woop. One of the precious few lunches we get to have -outside the office! These lunches are savored -specifically because they're not in front of a computer screen, while answering phones, and paying bill -
ick. I thought K Lou's outfit looked so Chanel-y. Crisp black and whites in the heat of the summer -sharp, people -very sharp.

on K Lou: silver flats -shop in San Diego, skirt -borrowed from me, Target, lace shirt - forever 21, croc purse -banana republic, bow ring -forever 21, sunnies -target, pearl bulbs -belks

on me: army green skirt -forever 21, red stripped shirt -forever 21, leather bag -banana republic, over sized watch -target, aviators -Ray Ban, camel flats -target, camel belt -forever 21, straw hat -JCrew. 
ok, I'm ready to fess up. I copied this outfit -almost
verbatim from none other than Kim
Kardashian. Yup that's right, from the most recent
People Style. I feel a little guilty being a copy cat and a little shameful copying someone who's claim to fame is a sex tape. In my defense, I did tone down the 4" heels she wore -as well as the four pounds of make-up that girl seems to always be wearing.
Zoikes. Kim, if you're reading (first off, why are you reading my blog??) and I'm sorry.
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