-please don't worry, she didn't actually fall
plaid skirt -forever 21, bow belt -belks, turtleneck -vintage, jean jacket -vintage, hipster scarf -roses?, black pumps -belkspulling off this scarf without looking like a hipster

isn't this the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen in your entire life... ever?
-not really, huh?
I'm easily impressed.
ok, on to more pressing matters:
I thought this outfit was cool for two reasons
#1. Ever since the kooky irish guy at starbucks told me I looked good in red, I've taken it to heart. Lame? Maybe, but hell it's February and isn't everyone a sucker for red in February?
#2. I could totally be a part of the Pink Ladies -for the record Frenchie was my favorite. Except maybe I would be forced to start my own girl gang -maybe the irish guy at starbucks can direct me towards other ladies in red.
o. m. g. love your rolling over sequence. super cool. and you're super cool in red.