missed you last week, but we're back and better than ever. wah wah -corny much?
March has arrived which means several things:
1. shamrock shakes -hello minty goodness
2. spring break. wooo hooo! -I understand that this means nothing to most people, but the Huz is a teacher so that means serious quality time (for me!), which I am a big fan of. We might try to take a road trip to Athens, GA. BECAUSE HE WAS ACCEPTED TO UGA FOR A PHD! whoop! whoop! He is such a little smarty pants.
3. further infiltration of Spring/Summer 2010 -meanwhile the weather forecast is still for snow (annoying, right?) I'm ready to bust out some shorts, we live in coastal North Carolina for cryin' out loud
4. The Huz and I are running a 1/2 marathon on the 21st. I'm getting pretty worried, this could make or break us. Literally, I'm so sore, I feel broken. 20 days and counting....
5. My goal for March is to re-do/re-organize our utility room a la Martha Stewart -I am dying to be one of those amazingly organized people. The idea of an organized house makes me really happy. Strangely happy.
Moving forward to: the outfits -in the spirit of Marching Forward
I learn a lot from ole K Lou, she is truly the master of transitional styling. Specifically, she can integrate pops of color into a seemingly "winter" outfit. See below and prepare to be impressed.

oh hey gurl. I like yo tights. you look fine. See what she did here? Bright blue tights scream spring, hear that? sprrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiingggggggg. sprrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnngggggg. Am I being too weird? Back on track: check the gingham print shirt, do you love it? I do. I'm pretty sure it's a spring trend and if it isn't, it should be. Someone get Jenna Lyons on the phone, stat!

blue tights -Marshalls, white skirt -Jcrew, gingham shirt -Kohls, black cardigan -the Gap, black flower (so goth, right?) -forever 21, patent leather mary janes -TJ Maxxx, blue belt -bargain box

oh hey, my turn? ok. lets do this thing. I spent way too much time Saturday looking a pictures of Jackie O. I doubt anyone would debate her claim to fashion royalty, I'm certainly not going to. What really inspired me was her style -after Camelot. dun dun dunnnnn. Seriously though, Jackie after JFK, seventies Jackie. cOOl. very cOOl. The kind of cOOl that warrants copying and uppercase o's.

black boots -banana republic, pattern skirt -the Gap, teal sweater -Jcrew, trench -old navy, scarf -street vendor, aviators -Ray Ban
in general, she said.
awesome. Do you have an "in general" head shot? K Lou thinks you should.
You know love those bangs. Great shot.