All eight of you?
Well, I've missed you too AND I have a perfectly good excuse for my absence. I ran marathon. -well that's a lie.
It was a 1/2 marathon, but what have you done lately?
The Hubs and I did it together.
It wasn't romantic and we weren't very well, scratch that, we were not prepared at all.
In retrospect, it is a terrible idea to wait until the week-of to train for a half marathon.
But, we made it, we certainly didn't win, I certainly didn't look cool or stylish

The Hubs and I did it together.
It wasn't romantic and we weren't very well, scratch that, we were not prepared at all.
In retrospect, it is a terrible idea to wait until the week-of to train for a half marathon.
-a break from the norm, I know.
But, they did give us participation medals
-KLou was very impressed with the quality of said medals
13.1 Miles. I even beat a few elderly women, more probably beat me, but what-evs.
At around mile 11, aforementioned elderly woman decides to strike up a freaking conversation. Did you miss that, mile 11 e-l-e-v-e-n.
Yes, seriously. I have no idea why. I don't think I looked like I wanted to chat, but nonetheless she started: "so, is this your first marathon."
Yes, can't you tell. I'm about to keel over and die
"Are you doing it alone or with someone?" she pressed on
My inner monologue is somewhere between shut the f up and die bitch die, but I answered. "I'm doing it with my husband, he's ahead of me"
"Oh" she said, "I almost got divorced around mile 8 of one of these things."
Oh, you don't say.
It was at that point when I mustered energy from somewhere and got the hell away from her. and we didn't get a divorce.
All and all a very productive day.
But, they did give us participation medals
-KLou was very impressed with the quality of said medals
13.1 Miles. I even beat a few elderly women, more probably beat me, but what-evs.
At around mile 11, aforementioned elderly woman decides to strike up a freaking conversation. Did you miss that, mile 11 e-l-e-v-e-n.
Yes, seriously. I have no idea why. I don't think I looked like I wanted to chat, but nonetheless she started: "so, is this your first marathon."
Yes, can't you tell. I'm about to keel over and die
"Are you doing it alone or with someone?" she pressed on
My inner monologue is somewhere between shut the f up and die bitch die, but I answered. "I'm doing it with my husband, he's ahead of me"
"Oh" she said, "I almost got divorced around mile 8 of one of these things."
Oh, you don't say.
It was at that point when I mustered energy from somewhere and got the hell away from her. and we didn't get a divorce.
All and all a very productive day.

sooo proud!!!