{dress & skinny belt: forever 21; necklace: k lou's; trench & flats: target; tights: wal mart; ring and tote: banana}
Apologies all around for my absence. You see, this whole blogger thing relays quite a bit on technology: when your computer, camera, dryer, car, and bracelet breaks -it makes blogging more difficult. (Maybe the bracelet part is a little dramatic, but you get the idea). So, you've heard my excuses. Hopefully, you're feeling forgiving.
I had a wonderful visit from some wonderful friends while the Hubs left me for a jaunt in New York City. I had the best time exploring Athens with them. Also, how much does UGA look like the Carolina quad? Right? Thrilled? You with me?
Also, I'm really hoping everyone (Brad!) appreciates this GIF. I'd like to think I'm a computer genius, but really I have no idea what I'm doing. Needlesstosay this GIF took some serious figuring out. I hope you like it